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North Atlantic Carpenters Union Local #330

Warwick, RI


At A Glance:

• Renovation
• 12,188 s.f.


Project Description:

Vision 3 Architects completed an extensive renovation project for the new Rhode Island headquarters for the North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters Local Union 330, in Warwick, RI. Perched on a highly visible site immediately adjacent to I-95, the project serves as a showcase for the skills and capabilities of today’s union carpenters; the design team made purposeful design decisions in order to maximize the amount of project work that would be completed by Local 330 members. The carpentry trades were responsible for more than 33% of the overall project work, well above the regional average of 20% or less on comparable commercial construction projects.

The exterior features regional materials installed in a distinctly modern way; terracotta rainscreen and stacked stone veneer panels are combined for an undeniably modern silhouette that retains a connection to nature and tradition. Interior spaces feature an abundance of floor to ceiling glass, offering views to and from perimeter shared offices, conference rooms, and common elements like corridors, lobby and the communicating stair. For an additional layer of detail, large-format job-site photographs taken by the membership of Local 330 were laminated between floor-to-ceiling glass panels and displayed throughout the common corridors.

